If you are thinking of starting a business you must possess four things before you waste your time:
1. A Strong Passion and love for what you will be doing
2. A discipline to do the things you need to do
3. An undying faith that what you are doing is productive and
valuable to the customer
4. The courage not to be frozen by fear.
I once had a client who after just listening to a few sentences I could tell this person’s primary reason for starting a business was they thought they could make a lot of money.
There was no passion and love for what they were going to do. Which means as soon as the first obstacle comes along (and it will) this person will get bored and frustrated easy and the effort will dwindle.
You could easily see that whatever had to be done in the business to make it successful would probably be put aside as it is very difficult to have the discipline to do the things that need to be done if you do not have the passion and fire in the belly about what you are doing.
When obstacles start to appear in rapid succession you can see this person will lose faith easily and then as the cash flow suffers they will be frozen by the fear.
Starting a business is not easy and it starts with a gut check. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you have these four characteristics and if you do then go for it!
If not, you need to re-think the situation. Remember the primary reason to start a business cannot be to make a lot of money. Money is the result of running a successful business. It cannot be the reason to go into business.